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A natural way of communicating with Spirit was with me from an early age, and similar to many of you, I was not sure as to why or to where it may lead.

Spirit Guides led me to Ainslie MacLeod (, a renowned Psychic and Author of many books about our Soul’s journey and past lives, including “The Instruction.” This was an important piece of my development, and for many years, I shared past life readings to help people.

In my earliest development of mediumship, Psychic Medium LoriAnn Mans (The Midwest Medium took me under her wing and introduced me to a foundation I will always be grateful for.  She saw in me what I did not know how to recognize: “You are a Medium.”  Through LoriAnn, I then met Matthew Smith (AFC College, Stansted, England), and International Medium Mark Bedwood (  I began my journey with Trance Mediumship quite unexpectedly with Mark, three years ago. Around that same time, I was blessed to meet Julie Keadle and Debbie Charlton, as well as Spiritual Healer Mary Clare Wojcik ( - all amazing mentors and friends. It is a privilege to work with many talented teachers and mediums, in this beautiful community of Light. I am strongly influenced by Buddhist and Vedic traditions, and the wisdom and insight that Spirit gives directly to us, through our awareness.

For over 10 years now, I have had the privilege of working to enhance the varied gifts I share with Spirit for the good of humanity and of Spirit. I am currently sharing Trance Mediumship Readings, Trance Demonstrations, Trance and Reiki Healing, Spiritual Chats to help people deepen their path, Mentoring in Trance, and assisting to teach several Trance Mediumship courses.

If I were to leave you with one thing, it is the unconditional love that Spirit brings to us all and works unceasingly to share with us on our Soul’s journey; and to help us realize that the LIGHT resides with us all.

Thank you for sharing this essential part of our Spiritual Enfoldment that truly never ends.

Many blessings, in Love and Truth,
