Be the LIGHT:

A session in Spirit together will be about healing and remembering your own light. With help from our Divine Team (Spirit Guides and other high vibrating Spiritual helpers), we can better remember our true nature. My role as a Spirit Medium is to allow your Divine Team to communicate with you.

Each individual personality experiences the touch with the oneness of Spirit in their own way. Those who receive channeled information from Spirit most often say they have felt being uplifted, encouraged, and loved unconditionally. Our Divine Teams have our best interest at heart, for our human journey here on Earth. LOVE, after all, is what makes this possible and is the connecting thread between us all.

We are all the oneness.

let us take each others’ hands and walk together.

What might a Trance Mediumship session with me look like?

Trance mediumship is the beautiful art of allowing the Spirit world to work through my mind to communicate with the human realm more directly. When I am working in trance, I set my personality aside, gently and comfortably, and my Spirit Guides speak directly to YOU. There is so much that they wish to share in support of your own personal journey, our collective one-ness. This is one of the most moving forms of mediumship available, it touches and heals hearts.

What might a Spirit Mediumship session with me look like?

During a Spirit Mediumship session, Spirit will bring messages of love to you. We may discuss your Spiritual development, Past Lives, Spirit Guides and Angels, and loved ones in Spirit may come forward to share their own messages with you. Many find this form of reading helpful in developing their Spiritual pathway, and learning about suggestions that their Guides have to help them on their journey.

What can I NOT do in a session?

Although I am Psychic, my gifts are not of a Psychic that predicts the future (I am not a “fortune teller”). I do not make money forecasts. I do not make predictions of death, disease, and divorce. I am not a Medical Medium (someone who can see if you have illness in your physical body), but of course, Spirit will endeavor to clear energy and blockages and uplift. 

Please use my contact form, or use the booking link above to schedule a session!